Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Code 07: Maze of Shakhrami

Code 07: Maze of Shakhrami (L-10), Map 2

Element: Dark

Chip: Black Chip


Lightsday - Rune Chopper (Full Moon ??%), Rune Baghnakhs (Full Moon ??%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Full Moon ??%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon ??%), Rune Rod (New Moon ??%)

Darksday - Rune Chopper (Full Moon ??), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon ??)

Firesday -

Earthsday -

Watersday -

Windsday -

Iceday - Rune Arrow x 6 (New Moon ??), Adaman Nugget x 2 (New Moon ??), Cermet Chunk x 8 (New Moon ??)

Lightningday -

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Lightsday, Full Moon ??% - Cermet Chunks (1), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Chopper (1), Rune Baghnakhs (1)
Lightsday, New Moon ??% - Rune Rod (1)
Darksday, Full Moon ?? - Cermet Chunks (1), Rune Chopper (1)
Iceday, New Moon ?? - Cermet Chunks (1), Adaman Nuggets (2), Rune Arrows (1)

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Code 06: Garlaige Citadel

Code 06: Garlaige Citadel (K-8), Map 3

Element: Light

Chip: White Chip


Lightsday - Rune Arrow x 6 (New Moon ??%), Arcane Flowerpot (New Moon ??%)

Darksday - Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waning Gibbous 60%)

Firesday -

Earthsday -

Watersday -

Windsday -

Iceday -

Lightningday -

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Lightsday, New Moon ??% - Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Arrows (1)
Darksday, Waning Gibbous 60% - Cermet Chunks (1)

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Code 05: Outer Horutoto Ruins

Code 05: Outer Horutoto Ruins (E-6), Amaryllis Tower Map 2

Element: Lightning

Chip: Purple Chip


Lightsday - Rune Bow (Full Moon 100%), Rune Bangles (Full Moon 100%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Full Moon 100%), Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 100%)

Darksday -

Firesday -

Earthsday -

Watersday - Rune Rod (First Quarter Moon 52%), Rune Staff (First Quarter Moon 52%), Rune Halberd (First Quarter Moon 52%), Rune Arrow x 6 (First Quarter Moon 52%), Arcane Flowerpot (First Quarter Moon 52%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (First Quarter Moon 52%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (First Quarter Moon 52%)

Windsday -

Iceday - Rune Arrow x 6 (Full Moon 100%), Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 100%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon 100%)

Lightningday -

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Lightsday, Full Moon 100% - Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Bangles (1), Rune Bow (1)
Watersday, First Quarter Moon 52% - Cermet Chunks (6), Adaman Nuggets (2), Arcane Flowerpot (2), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Rod (2), Rune Staff (1), Rune Halberd (1)
Iceday, Full Moon 100% - Cermet Chunks (1), Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Arrows (1)

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Code 04: The Eldieme Necropolis

Code 04: The Eldieme Necropolis (K-13), Map 2

Element: Ice

Chip: Clear Chip


Lightsday - Rune Blade (Waxing Crescent 43%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Waxing Crescent 43%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Waxing Crescent 43%)

Darksday -

Firesday -

Earthsday -

Watersday -

Windsday - Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon 93%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon 93%), Rune Blade (Last Quarter Moon 60%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Last Quarter Moon 60%), Arcane Flowerpot (Last Quarter Moon 60%), Rune Halberd (Waning Crescent 21%), Arcane Flowerpot (Waning Crescent 21%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waning Crescent 21%)

Iceday - Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon 96%)

Lightningday - Rune Blade (Waxing Gibbous 68%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waxing Gibbous 68%)

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Lightsday, Waxing Crescent 43% - Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Blade (1)
Windsday, Full Moon 93% - Cermet Chunks (2), Adaman Nuggets (1)
Windsday, Last Quarter Moon 60% - Arcane Flowerpot (2), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Blade (1)
Windsday, Waning Crescent 21% - Cermet Chunks (2), Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Halberd (1)
Iceday, Full Moon 96% - Adaman Nuggets (1)
Lightningday, Waxing Gibbous 68% - Cermet Chunks (1), Rune Blade (1)

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Code 03: Ordelle's Caves

Code 03: Ordelle's Caves (E-12), Map 1

Element: Wind

Chip: Green Chip


Lightsday -

Darksday - Rune Bow (Waxing Crescent 26%)

Firesday -

Earthsday -

Watersday -

Windsday - Rune Blade (Waxing ???? ??%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Waxing ???? ??%), Rune Blade (Wa?ing Crescent 29%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Wa?ing Crescent 29%)

Iceday -

Lightningday - Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 98%)

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Darksday, Waxing Crescent 26% - Rune Bow (1)
Windsday, Waxing ???? ??% - Rune Arrows (1), Rune Blade (1)
Windsday, Wa?ing Crescent 29% - Cermet Chunks (2), Rune Blade (1)
Lightningday, Full Moon 98% - Arcane Flowerpot (1)

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Code 02: Crawlers' Nest

Code 02: Crawlers' Nest (K-8), Map 3

Element: Water

Chip: Blue Chip


Lightsday -

Darksday - Arcane Flowerpot (Waning Crescent 40%)

Firesday - Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waxing Gibbous 76%), Rune Blade (Waning Gibbous 67%)

Earthsday -

Watersday - Rune Arrow x 6 (Full Moon 100%), Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 100%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon 100%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon 100%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon 90%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon 90%), Rune Bow (Waning Gibbous 90%), Rune Bangles (Wa?ing Gibbous 81%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Wa?ing Gibbous 81%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Wa?ing Gibbous 81%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Wa?ing Gibbous 81%), Arcane Flowerpot (Waxing Gibbous 71%), Rune Axe (First Quarter Moon 52%), Rune Blade (First Quarter Moon 52%), Rune Bangles (First Quarter Moon 52%), Rune Arrow x 6 (First Quarter Moon 52%), Arcane Flowerpot (First Quarter Moon 52%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (First Quarter Moon 52%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (First Quarter Moon 52%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Waning Crescent 25%), Arcane Flowerpot (Waning Crescent 25%)

Windsday - Rune Arrow x 6 (Waxing Crescent 36%), Rune Bow (Wa?ing Crescent 23%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Wa?ing Crescent 23%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Wa?ing Crescent 23%)

Iceday - Cermet Chunk x 8 (New Moon 2%)

Lightningday - Rune Axe (Full Moon 98%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon 98%), Rune Axe (Full Moon ??%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon ??%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon ??%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Waxing Gibbous 88%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waxing Gibbous 88%), Arcane Fowerpot (Waning Crescent 36%), Rune Bangles (Wa?ing Crescent 31%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Wa?ing Crescent 31%)

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Darksday, Waning Crescent 40% - Arcane Flowerpot (2)
Firesday, Waxing Gibbous 76% - Cermet Chunks (1)
Firesday, Waning Gibbous 67% - Rune Blade (1)
Watersday, Full Moon 100% - Cermet Chunks (4), Adaman Nuggets (2), Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Arrows (1)
Watersday, Full Moon 90% - Cermet Chunks (1), Adaman Nuggets (1)
Watersday, Waning Gibbous 90% - Rune Bow (1)
Watersday, Wa?ing Gibbous 81% - Cermet Chunks (1), Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Bangles (1)
Watersday, Waxing Gibbous 71% - Arcane Flowerpot (1)
Watersday, First Quarter Moon 52% - Cermet Chunks (4), Adaman Nuggets (2), Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Arrows (3), Rune Bangles (1), Rune Axe (4), Rune Blade (1)
Watersday, Waning Crescent 25% - Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Arrows (1)
Windsday, Waxing Crescent 36% - Rune Arrows (1)
Windsday, Wa?ing Crescent 23% - Cermet Chunks (1), Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Bow (1)
Iceday, New Moon 2% - Cermet Chunks (2)
Lightningday, Full Moon 98% - Cermet Chunks (1), Rune Axe (1)
Lightningday, Full Moon ??% - Cermet Chunks (1), Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Axe (1)
Lightningday, Waxing Gibbous 88% - Cermet Chunks (1), Adaman Nuggets (2)
Lightningday, Waning Crescent 36% - Arcane Fowerpot (1)
Lightningday, Wa?ing Crescent 31% - Cermet Chunks (3), Rune Bangles (1)

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Code 01: Gusgen Mines

Code 01: Gusgen Mines (J-5), Map 2

Element: Earth

Chip: Yellow Chip


Lightsday -

Darksday -

Firesday -

Earthsday - Rune Chopper (Waning Gibbous 64%)

Watersday -

Windsday - Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waxing Crescent 19%)

Iceday -

Lightningday -

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Earthsday, Waning Gibbous 64% - Rune Chopper (1)
Windsday, Waxing Crescent 19% - Cermet Chunks (1)

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Code 00: Dangruf Wadi

Code 00: Dangruf Wadi (E-11)

Element: Fire

Chip: Red Chip


Lightsday - Rune Baghnakhs (Full Moon 100%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Full Moon 100%)

Darksday - Rune Axe (Full Moon 98%), Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 98%), Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 97%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon 97%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Waxing Gibbous 67%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waxing Gibbous 67%)

Firesday - Rune Baghnakhs (Full Moon 95%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon 95%), Rune Baghnakhs (Waxing Gibbous 57%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Waxing Gibbous 57%), Adaman Nugget x 8 (Waxing Gibbous 57%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waxing Gibbous 57%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Wa?ing Crescent 38%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Waning Crescent 36%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Waning Crescent 36%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Waning Crescent 36%), Rune Axe (Waxing Crescent 21%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Waxing Crescent 21%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Waxing Crescent 21%), Rune Baghnakhs (New Moon 3%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (New Moon 3%), Rune Baghnakhs (New Moon 0%), Rune Arrows (New Moon 0%), Arcane Flowerpot (New Moon 0%)

Earthsday - Rune Chopper (Waning Gibbous 64%)

Watersday - Rune Chopper (Full Moon 100%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Full Moon ??%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Full Moon 100%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon ??%), Rune Arrow x 6 (Wa?ing Gibbous 80%), Adaman Nugget x 2 (Wa?ing Gibbous 80%)

Windsday - Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 99%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon 99%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (Full Moon 96%), Cermet Chunk x 8 (New Moon 5%), Rune Arrow x 6 (New Moon 5%)

Iceday - Rune Baghnakhs (Full Moon 100%), Arcane Flowerpot (Full Moon 100%), Arcane Flowerpot (Waxing Crescent 19%)

Lightningday -

Totals: (How many times a certain result has been documented under the specified circumstances)
Lightsday, Full Moon 100% - Rune Arrows (2), Rune Baghnakhs (1)
Darksday, Full Moon 98% - Arcane Flowerpot (2), Rune Axe (1)
Darksday, Full Moon 97% - Adaman Nuggets (1), Arcane Flowerpot (2)
Darksday, Waxing Gibbous 67% - Cermet Chunks (2), Arcane Flowerpot (1)
Firesday, Full Moon 95% - Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Baghnakhs (1)
Firesday, Waxing Gibbous 57% - Cermet Chunks (2), Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Baghnakhs (1)
Firesday, Wa?ing Crescent 38% - Rune Arrows (1)
Firesday, Waning Crescent 36% - Cermet Chunks (2), Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Arrows (1)
Firesday, Waxing Crescent 21% - Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Axe (1)
Firesday, New Moon 3% - Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Baghnakhs (3)
Firesday, New Moon 0% - Arcane Flowerpot (1), Rune Arrows (1), Rune Baghnakhs (1)
Earthsday, Waning Gibbous 64% - Rune Chopper (1)
Watersday, Full Moon 100% - Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Chopper (1)
Watersday, Full Moon ??% - Cermet Chunks (1), Rune Arrows (1)
Watersday, Wa?ing Gibbous 80% - Adaman Nuggets (1), Rune Arrows (1)
Windsday, Full Moon 99% - Cermet Chunks (1), Arcane Flowerpot (1)
Windsday, Full Moon 96% - Cermet Chunks (3)
Windsday, New Moon 5% - Cermet Chunks (1), Rune Arrows (1)
Iceday, Full Moon 100% - Arcane Flowerpot (2), Rune Baghnakhs (1)
Iceday, Waxing Crescent 19% - Arcane Flowerpot (1)

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Doctor Status: Goal Of This Guide

I'm Alth Aaiaa and I welcome you to this "guide" to the Strrrange Apparatus! Actually, it's morrre like a place to post and comparrre results. Please feel frrree to post your rrresults here or at the apprrropriate section. I hope to one day help uncover patterrrns to help people get the rrresults they want.

Before we starrrt, a friendly rrreminder to always set your Doctor passworrrds prior to using the Strrrange Apparatus!
Generate a password here or here.

More information {places from which I've gotten results}:
FFXIclopedia entry for Strange Apparatus
An Allakhazam Guide to the Strange Apparatus
Strange Apparatus topic at Killing Ifrit
Alla's SA Quest page

Code 00: Dangruf Wadi
Code 01: Gusgen Mines
Code 02: Crawlers' Nest
Code 03: Ordelle's Caves
Code 04: The Eldieme Necropolis
Code 05: Outer Horutoto Ruins
Code 06: Garlaige Citadel
Code 07: Maze of Shakhrami
Doctors' Notes
Doctors' Notes: Runic Results
Doctors' Notes: Two Theories on Runic Weapon Results

Please add your results using the following format:
Area - Day - Moon Phase - Item

Contributing Doctors {Those who have complete results and/or contributed Doctor's Notes}: Althaia (Starleafgirl AT gmailDOTcom), Alaaba (novaphaux AT yahooDOTcom), Ace (forgottenandlost AT gmailDOTcom), pogle (pogle AT becdDOTnet), Tatsuko (voltaic AT coxDOTnet), Moxie (webbdav AT earthlinkDOTnet), thatdamnelf, Kayberry, Ortega, Predecia, Indigla, Grodark, DokasTheWolf, mousekitty, Zediv, homerjays, Arestia, ZypherX, Aldante, Shaowstrike, Bahzell, ulyssez, Sethanganthi, UberFuzzy, Epiical, Casanndra, Cecyl, Desirai, kingofzeal, Ohemgee, gorokai, Wanderingweeble, Kaarek, Willriker, Courtney, LordMao, Boswen, Vaius, Ariehn, Haldarn